Meal Plan Monday
Meal Plan: 2/12/18
The lengthening days and splashes of sunshine have my neighbor’s chickens in full swing! Today’s meal plan will highlight some of my favorite egg dishes. These are hearty enough for dinner or a heavy brunch. Eggs are nutritional powerhouses: iron, B12, complete protein, antioxidants, healthy fats, especially if you have pasture raised or Omega-3 enriched…
Read MoreMeal Plan: 2/5/2018
Good morning! Usually for meal plan Mondays I write about dinner ideas for the week, but today I am going to take a break from that to discuss healthy breakfasts. The first meal of the day is an important one. And we set the bar pretty high with what we ask of it: low sugar,…
Read MoreMeal Plan: 1/29/2018
Happy Monday! How are you all surviving the flu season? It’s a doozy this year… the CDC is reporting that the flu is especially bad this year, and that if you have the flu PLEASE stay home, wash those hands, cough into your elbow, and eat TONS of raw garlic (ok, I might have added…
Read MoreMeal Plan: 1/22/18
It’s that time of the week! I’m craving veggies, so this week has a few vegan recipes along with the animal fare. I often substitute based on what’s in season or on sale, and a couple of these recipes definitely will be getting some variations! But that’s what’s fun about cooking: you can color WAY…
Read MoreMeal Plan: 1/15/18
Did you know I do a meal plan every week? I don’t know about you, but I’m a lot better at making healthy dinners if I have a plan. I find that when I’m tired at the end of a long day, my creative juices take a hit and I just want to make anything…
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