Kitchen Medicine: Colds and Flus Part 1

This blog post is part of a series on home remedies for symptom relief found right in our very own kitchens. There are so many remedies for the discomfort caused by colds and flus sitting right in our homes and gardens! All we have to do is know how to use them. Some of them…

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Natural Treatments for Spring Allergies

The birds are singing, the flowers are blooming, and ah…ah…ah… choo! Environmental allergies are also back. When a person is having an allergic response to pollen, it means the cells of their immune system have identified pollen as a pathogen and are releasing antibodies and histamine to help deal with the invader. This makes us…

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Cold day? Warm spice.

Brrrr! These winter days can be very chilly! There are plenty of warming spices to help ward off winter’s chill, and you likely already have many of them in with your other kitchen spices. Keep reading for some home remedies for warming up on cold days! But first, what do I mean when I say…

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Protect Your Lungs From Wildfire Smoke

The last few years have seen an increase in wildfires in our region. We can all benefit from protecting our lungs when smoke is in the air, but preparation is especially important for people who have a higher risk of injury from smoke, including children, older adults, pregnant women, and anyone with a respiratory or…

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Home Remedies for Sports Injuries

At a speaking event I was asked if I ever get sick. It happens rarely, but it does happen! Even naturopathic doctors are vulnerable to all the same ailments and injuries as everyone else. One of the foundations of naturopathic medicine is that health doesn’t happen accidentally. It is the cumulative effect of many habits…

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Wet Sock Therapy

Bookmark this post for the upcoming cold and flu season! Wet socks, yay! Everyone loves wet socks! Ok, sarcasm aside, I am about to blow your mind with the usefulness of wet socks. They are an amazing therapy for any kind of upper respiratory infection, but especially ones with a fever or congestion. Wet sock therapy…

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Five Tips for Healthy Eating

There is a lot of confusing information about what and how to eat. Some people think eating all plants is the way to go. Other people are promoting a diet heavy in animal fats and proteins. And to confound things, there seems to be research both for and against all these different ways. My goal…

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Digest Your Best

Last week we talked about the importance of healthy bowel function, and how to set your system up for consistent, regular movements. How we set ourselves up at the other end of our digestive tract is equally important! Digestion is the gateway for our body’s fuel. If you aren’t digesting your food well, your body…

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Constipation and Bowel Retraining

As most of you know, naturopathic doctors LOVE to talk to you about your poop almost as much as we love to talk about kale. We want to know all the details! Color, consistency, regularity… the reasons for this are many, but pooping plays an important role in your health. It helps with ridding the…

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Meal Plan: 1/15/18

Did you know I do a meal plan every week? I don’t know about you, but I’m a lot better at making healthy dinners if I have a plan. I find that when I’m tired at the end of a long day, my creative juices take a hit and I just want to make anything…

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